The festive football at St John’s Park on Boxing Day promises to be a real Christmas cracker as two of the league’s top scoring sides go head-to-head in a local derby.
It’s landlords v tenants as Hinckley AFC face Heather St John’s in a Leicestershire derby that promises goals between the league’s second and fourth top scoring outfits.
Hinckley have scored 64 times in their league league games this term, while their landlords are just two goals behind on 62.
Simeon Cobourne has been Heather’s, and indeed the league’s, biggest threat in front of goal this term with 36 goals already in just 26 games, six more than anyone else.
But Hinckley have a hotshot of their own in Steve Hart, whose opener on Saturday took him to 21 in 19 since joining the club in September.
But despite the sides’ prowess in front of goal, there are nine points between them with Hinckley in fifth and Heather ninth. That the sides aren’t higher in the league is largely down to their defensive records, with Heather’s the worst in the top half (they’ve conceded 42 league goals) while Hinckley’s is the worst in the top eight.
The distinct parallels between the sides don’t end there, and both have been in fine form of late. Hinckley are unbeaten in eight, winning seven before drawing at Lichfield City on Saturday, while Heather are also on a hot run of form this winter with six straight wins in all competitions.
AFC won both matches between the sides last year, winning 3-1 on New Year’s Eve before a brace of Ryan Seal penalties secured a 2-0 win in the reverse fixture.
Adults: £6
Concessions: £4
Under 16s: £2 (FREE with HAFC Junior membership card)