Members of Hinckley AFC have one more week to submit their nominations to stand for the club’s Board of Directors.
This year’s AGM will be held on Wednesday 14th March and there are a number of vacancies on the Board for you to make a difference to your club.
With the club at an important stage, it is vital we continue to make progress and this could be your chance to get involved and impact the club’s future. The club are encouraging anyone who feels they can make a difference to stand for election to the Board, with seven vacancies available.
Existing directors Steve Jelfs, Russ Abbott, Bryan White and Ron Ashby will stand down, and can seek re-election if they wish.
However, Ron has indicated that he will not be seeking re-election due to his ongoing work commitments. The club thank him for his hard work and excellent contribution since the club’s formation and we look forward to still seeing him on the terraces when he is in the country.
Meanwhile, Steve has agreed to take on the role of Acting Secretary for the duration of the reconstitution of the Board.
To stand for the Board, complete the Nomination Pack attached below and return it to Green Acres, Aston Lane, Aston Flamville, Hinckley, LE10 3AA. You have two weeks to submit your nomination, the deadline for nominations to be received is noon on Tuesday 27th February.
Please read the nomination pack carefully to ensure that you know what will be expected of club directors. A copy of the club’s constitution is also attached below.
Please note that to stand for the Board, vote in any potential election or to attend the AGM, you must be a member of the club. If you wish to do either and have not yet renewed your membership, head to and download the form.
Board Nomination Pack 2018
Hinckley AFC Constitution