Hinckley AFC’s first ever game will be against Heather St John’s on Saturday 5th July
Early Bird Sponsorship
Would you or do you know of a company that would like to partake in sponsoring the newly formed Hinckley AFC?
Manager Appointed
Hinckley AFC are delighted to announce the appointment of Carl Abbott as first team manager.
New manager unveiled tomorrow night
At 6.00 pm tomorrow night Hinckley AFC’s new manager will be announced.
Hinckley ‘Mini Knitters’
Hinckley ‘Mini Knitters’ has been run on a Saturday morning between 10 and 11am for seven years.
Press Release 16th April
As you will all be aware, the Hinckley AFC working group have been totally focussed in the last few weeks to secure our “home” for next season
Heather St John’s v Coleshill Town
This Saturday, 5th April, Heather St John’s play host to Coleshill Town in the Midland Football Alliance in a crucial game in Heather’s battle to avoid relegation.
First Team Manager
The club are now taking applications for the position as the First Team Manager of Hinckley AFC
Groundshare Confirmed
Hinckley AFC are delighted to announce that we have signed an agreement with Heather St John’s FC to play senior team fixtures at their St John’s Park home for the forthcoming 2014-15 season.
Greene King Stadium
Hinckley AFC are delighted to announce that we have secured an agreement with Steve and Joy Jelfs regarding the Greene King Stadium.